Nora and I have been traveling to FOTC conventions for many years, and we are EXCITED to attend the 2019 Convention in Santa Fe. If you’re not signed up stop reading this blog and head straight to the website and find the required information about attending.
What is a Friends of the Creche Convention? – first it’s an encounter with the nativity in MANY forms. You’ll find vendors, authors, artists, shop owners, but mostly and foremostly, you’ll find FRIENDS of the Creche. An FOTC convention is a homecoming, a reunion, and a party with nativity lovers from across the US and Canada.
FOTC is the only national group devoted to collecting, sharing, enriching, and inviting others to do all of that and much more.
You’ll sing, be invited to ask questions, be moved by art and artists, say “WOW” more than you even realize, and you’ll make FRIENDS – people who share your love of all things Nativity.
At 400+ members, we’re not that large where you can get lost, but large enough not to know every member or learn about the how’s and why’s of their collecting.
Yes, there are few that stand out, but most who just quietly share their passion.
Looking forward from Santa Fe – our board will meet (possibly in my hometown – Portland, OR), and in December of 2020 – have a one day meeting in Rhode, Island. Then, in 2021 – the FOTC will assemble in Portland, Oregon for a grand Convention called, “Westward Leading.”
Lots to share about this event.
Stay tuned.
Neil Allen FOTC Portland Convention 2021 Chair