By Rita Bocher
As Friends of the Creche is an international organization, I thought some of our members from abroad might tell us what they are doing. Let us first meet Johann Dendorfer, Furth im Wald, Germany. Johann did the setting for the creche scene you see. These are his words about his creche which he shares with us:
"It is evening. In the light of the candle, I sit in front of the crib. Forty years ago, I started to build this crib. When you start a family, a crib at Christmas is just part of it.
"Every year, this crib is different. I always take a lot of material from nature to design it. Some people will say that is dead mass. Yes, that is correct, but in my crib, this dead mass becomes alive again. Now I sit hee and look at this crib. I see Mary, Joseph, and the Child. Suddenly I feel with them.
" I see their way from Nazareth to Bethlehem. It is a long way--also full of dangers.
"Yes, I met those dangers again and again on my way through life.
"I see how they are rejected again and again in search of lodging. I also experienced that myself. My wife and I were rejected again and again in our search for an apartment.
"I see the Holy Family in my crib. It occurs to me that Mary said to the child Jesus when she was looking for him: "Child, why did you do this to us. Your father and I sought you with pain."
"Oh yes, the care for our children does not stop--even when they have their own families.
"In my crib the shepherds come to the divine child. They do not have much themselves, but nevertheless they pass something on. It occurs to me that we have far too much. We should let go.
"Now I see the wonderful angel in my crib. In the darkness of the night he proclaimed to the shepherds the good news of the Incarnation of God. The angel led the shepherds through the darkness of the night to the divine light in the crib.
"Oh, angel, I pray that you also may lead me on my last evening through my dark night to this divine light. Amen.
